Prayers of the Faithful
Second Sunday of Easter
April 10-11, 2021
If the response is not sung, please add “Lord, hear our prayer” after each
God of the resurrection, bring new life into our Church’s structures and
leadership. May your divine mercy move our leaders to fully welcoming the
LGBTQ community.
God of mercy, inspire us to share our abundance with those suffering loss
of employment, housing, and food security as a result of the pandemic.
May we be generous.
God of mercy, relieve the suffering of immigrants, especially children at our
border. May they find loving care and support in our country.
God of mercy, show us how to bring peace to the streets of our city. Teach
us the ways of reconciliation and forgiveness.
God of mercy, hold all who are suffering close to you. Bring peace to all
who are mourning and relief to those in pain. May our deceased loved
ones know the joy of your resurrection.
Mary Ellen Graham
Peg McFadden