Petitions for April 19, 2020

PETITIONS FOR THE SECOND SUNDAY OF EASTER – APR. 19, 2020For our priests and pastoral ministers that they uncover reservoirs ofGod-given wisdom in dealing with the challenges of our day. May we experience peace in Jesus and rise up with him. May we befilled with Easter victory especially in these trying times. There is a…

Easter Sunday Petitions

General Intercessions Easter Sunday April 12, 2020 On this Easter morning, let us pray for new life in the Church. For a readiness to respond to the needs of our time, we pray . . . Let us pray for life-giving efforts to resolve the coronavirus crisis. For scientists and researchers working towards a breakthrough,we…

Easter Vigil Petitions

General Intercessions Easter Vigil April 11, 2020 As the Church keeps vigil throughout the world tonight, may our faith in the invincible light of Christ sustain us through any dark days ahead. As parishes keep vigil with those longing to celebrate their sacraments of initiation, may Diana, Freeman, Caitlin, Diane, and Chioma hold fast to…