Petitions for April 23 and 24, 2022

Petitions for the Second Sunday of Easter April 23-24, 2022  The Apostles healed believers in the power of the Blood ofChrist. May we modern apostles be instruments of peace andlove bringing healing to a sick world torn by strife. Jesus, the First and the Last, is Creator and Lord of all that is.May we…

Petitions for Easter Vigil

Petitions for Easter VigilApril 16, 2022to be said after Baptismal vows  For the Church, that the cleansing water symbolizing new lifein Christ bring about transforming renewal in the Church andin the lives of Her members. We pray especially for newlybaptized Otema (pronunciation ?) and those just confirmed:Valerie, Whitney and Antonia. For the world, that…

Petitions for Easter

Petitions for Easter Sunday April 17, 2022  The risen Lord has freed us from the power of sin. In therenewing of our baptismal vows may we know that theSpirit of Christ will sustain us in trial and temptation. The Lord Jesus has triumphed over sin and death for oursake. May we not fail to…

Petitions for April 2 and 3, 2022

GENERAL INTERCESSIONS5th SUNDAY IN LENT April 2-3, 2022 Forgiving God, help us to follow the example of Jesus,condemning no one. Help us also to follow his advice to sinno more, embracing the new life that You offer. Peaceful God, we pray for Your influence on world leaders,that they be mindful of imparting justice and mercy…

Petitions for March 26 and 27, 2022

GENERAL INTERCESSIONS4th SUNDAY IN LENT March 26-27, 2022 Merciful God, help us to bring to You our judgment and lackof mercy. As we come to Your altar instill in us the humilityand mercy shown by the father to his prodigal son. Loving God, as we conclude Women’s History Month, wepray for the many women who…