31 st Sunday of Ordinary Time
Our global, national, and local news can be overwhelming. Lord, may our hearts
be grounded in our love for you and our neighbor.
We pray for the people of Haiti who have been victims of natural catastrophe,
corrupt leadership, and debilitating poverty. May they find relief through honest
and skilled governance and the aid of the international community.
We pray for the safety and well-being of all missionaries who encounter danger
while bringing the message of Jesus to the poor. May they be sustained by our
prayerful support.
We pray for the success of the Glasgow Summit. May all nations not only pledge,
but actively support, measures to address climate change. May wealthy nations
assist the developing world.
We pray people will be motivated to vote in the coming elections. May we see
the need to choose wise and compassionate justices and address issues of local
God of Compassion, we pray for all who are sick, grieving, disabled, or lonely
within our community. Show us how we can best respond to their needs.
Mary Ellen Graham
Peg McFadden