We pray that we will be healed of all impediments that prevent us
from fully participating in our faith, doing the work that improves
the lives of the marginalized in our community.
As we begin the Season of Creation we pray that all people heed
Pope Francis’ plea that the “cry of the Earth and the cry of the
poor are becoming increasingly serious and alarming”, and that
we all increase our commitment to our common home by doing
more than ever to protect God’s creation.
We pray for all workers this Labor Day weekend, that a just wage
and safe working conditions be afforded to all.
We pray for Labor organizations worldwide, that they continue to
fight on behalf of all workers, helping to lift the poor out of the
depths of poverty.
We pray for all devastated by, and who have lost their lives to,
natural disasters, especially those in the south affected by
Hurricane Ida, the wildfires in California, the earthquake in Haiti,
and the tornadoes and flooding in our area.
We pray for all who have died and the loved ones who grieve, that
they find glory and solace in knowing that in God’s kingdom all will
be healed and made whole.
Submitted by: Joan McGowan