General Intercessions Ascension Thursday

GENERAL INTERCESSIONS / ASCENSION THURSDAYMay 21, 2020 Loving God, we pray that, although Jesus ascended fromthis earthly home to sit at Your right hand, we continue to“see” and “hear” him through Your Spirit . Loving God, we pray that world, country, and local leadershear the call of the Spirit, seeking to help all who arefrightened,…

General Intercessions May 17, 2020

GENERAL INTERCESSIONS / 6th SUNDAY OF EASTERMay 17, 2020 We pray that we will spend time each day listening for theHoly Spirit, knowing that the Spirit is with us always,reminding us of Jesus’ infinite presence, love, & mercy. We pray that we can hear the call of the Spirit, joining inwherever the Spirit is at…

Petitions for May 10th

PETITIONS FOR THE FIFTH SUNDAY OF EASTER – MAY 10, 2020ST VINCENT DE PAUL CHURCH  We honor our mothers and women who show a mother’s love. May theirsacrifice and commitment sow faith and love in the hearts of the young.  We lift up deacons and religious and others who serve Christ in parishes,schools…

Shelter Me (Lyrics)

This past Sunday, Christine Eberle sang a song that was composed by Michael Joncas during this pandemic. Here are the lyrics: Shelter Me Prayer for the COVID-19 Pandemic Shepherd and sheep, my God and I:to fresh green fields you led my steps in days gone by.You gave me rest by quiet springsand filled my soul…