27th Sunday of Ordinary Time ~ October 2-3
Almighty God, strengthen Pope Francis in the work you have called him to do.
In the spirit of Saint Francis,
may our Holy Father rebuild the church according to Your will.
May those who feel estranged from the Church because of who they love
discover welcoming and affirming communities of faith,
here at St. Vincent’s and throughout the world.
Sung Response
God of all creation, bless and protect every living creature,
especially the beloved pets brought to church this weekend.
May we be good stewards of all you have entrusted to our care.
As St. Joseph protected the Holy Family,
May we reverence and nurture every human life, especially the most vulnerable.
Sung Response
Loving God, you created all people in your image and likeness.
Heal the wounds created by sexism and the abuse of power,
and bring us to fullness of life.
Welcome into your loving embrace all who have died,
Especially those lost to violence
at the hands of a loved one.
Sung Response
- Christine Eberle