25th Sunday of Ordinary Time ~ September 25-26, 2021
Cantor will introduce the response and sing it ONCE before the first petition.
Lector reads petitions in TWOs.
Let us lift up the parishes, schools, and ministries everywhere
that strive to walk in the footsteps of Saint Vincent.
May we always embrace the Vincentian virtues
of Simplicity, Humility, Meekness, Mortification, and Zeal.
May God’s Spirit come to rest on this House of Vincent,
so that we may share our talents freely, honor one another’s gifts gratefully,
and welcome newcomers with joy.
Sung Response
Let us lift up the ongoing renovation of our church building.
May this parish always be a sacred space for the people of Germantown
and for anyone who finds a spiritual home in our midst.
May those we honor with the Saint Vincent DePaul Award–
Gloria, John, Terry, Geoff, Alemayehu, Mary Anne, Ida, and Dermis—
inspire all of us to serve God’s people with generosity and fidelity.
Sung Response
On this World Day of Migrants and Refugees,
let us lift up those who have been forced to leave their homeland.
May the world unite to bring an end to the conditions that displace millions of people,
Including war, political conflict, poverty, famine, climate change, and organized crime.
And may those who have died in search of a safe haven
find eternal rest in God’s loving embrace.
Sung Response
- Christine Eberle